About Us

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Meni School is a center of knowledge.  It is a platform where knowledge of all sorts can be obtained. In Meni School, we believe that Knowledge is diverse that's why we specifically made it available in a simple and unique way so that you can choose the branch of knowledge you need and focus on it without distractions.

Also, our passion for education and academic excellence has made us to create a program for "intelligent children from indigent homes." It is a scholarship program geared towards keeping intelligent children in school and pursuing their education without financial obstacle or any other hindrance.

Meni Mentorship Program 

Mentoring of students both in secondary schools and tertiary institutions who are faced with myriads of challenges of the education system which frustrates their academic journey.
An education system that is bedevilled with ill motivated and poor quality teachers/lecturers, inadequate and poor infrastructural facilities for learning, research and practicals, outdated curriculum, exam malpractice where students are massively and generously "helped" to pass their exams. Our goal is to keep them motivated, believing in education and the benefits it afford.

Meni Computer School

At Meni Computer School, we teach and train students with the latest digital technology tools and devices. If you want to acquire tech education or skill, build your space, become visible with contents to promote yourself and business/services, then Meni Computer School is for you.


Meni Science School

Our focus and target at Meni Science School is science students who are highly determined and prepared to go into the science world with adequate knowledge in both theories and practicals.

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